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Polyurethane injection ever crossed your mind? This Yuru might sound difficult or complex but it is an easy and very successful method for keeping water out of your basement. If your basement walls have cracks that water can easily penetrate, push a good amount of polyurethane injection to seal those gaps and prevent the entrance of water.
Well, how does this method really work? An experienced waterproofing technician will first visit your home to inspect the cracks in your basement wall, or on the floor. They will know how critical the difficulties are, and what is necessary to repair them. The омехтаи полиуретании гидрофилӣ buyer will conduct an inspection for moisture level to determine if there are leaks through the cracks before using a special kind of foam manufactured out from polyurethane and spray that into those crevices. What makes it really great is that as the foam expands, so will the injection and fills all those pesky cracks. It finds the cracks and as it does attach it cures to form an impenetrable bond that keeps water out.
That being said, how does the polyurethane injection process really work? Inside those simple foam cans is the science of polyurethane injection! As the foam is injected into those cracks, it will expand hardening and coagulating as a barrier that water cannot pass through. This Yuru is would be then applied to waterproof everything.
The foam used in polyurethane injection will not shrink or crack overtime, which is a significant characteristic. This Hydrophobic polyurethane injection grout also means that the repellent power it offers will remain for a number of years. On the other hand, polyurethane foam resists chemicals and elements that can corrode some alternative waterproofing materials.
Infiltration Tanks - this Тазриқи полиуретани гидрофобӣ involves injecting a resin through chutes and holes in road, bridge to fix cracks for repairing. This is not only less time-consuming than traditional repair processes, but also far more affordable because it does not involve excavation. This Yuru is how we keep our roads and bridges safe while minimizing disruption.
Soil Stabilization - Polyurethane injection may also be used to stabilize soil, in particular where polyurethane sealant for concrete erosion or other problems have caused instability. Ground anchoring can be so handy in locations that happen to have steep slopes or perhaps developed on rugged terrain ensuring the surface will certainly remain as risk-free and secure.
Юру корхонае месозад, ки 16000 метри мураббаъ ва марказҳои R ва D 10000 метри мураббаъро фаро мегирад. Юру дорои 5 силсилаи маҳсулот, аз ҷумла зиёда аз 40 модел мебошад, ки ба тамоми талаботи муштариёни худ ҷавобгӯ мебошанд. Юру дорои беш аз 20 патент буд ва бо 10 табиб дар ду донишгоҳи машҳур кор кардааст.
Тиҷорати мо аз ҷониби lS09001, CE, EPR, SGS, инчунин SGS, EPR ва CE тасдиқ карда шудааст. Он инчунин зиёда аз 20 патент дорад, ки барои маводи обногузари мо, ки аз ҷониби ҳуқуқҳои мустақили моликияти зеҳнӣ ҳифз шудаанд. Ин як "корхонаи баландтехнологӣ дар музофоти Ҷянсу" эътироф шудааст.
Истеҳсоли маводи обногузар ва маводи сӯзишворӣ ширкати мост. Маҳсулоти асосии мо аз ҳама намуди рӯйпӯшҳои обногузар, мембранаҳои обногузар, маводи сӯзишвории сӯзандору, мошинҳои сӯзишворӣ ва пломбаҳои полиуретан иборатанд.
Муҳандисии коммуналӣ, фирмаҳои муҳандисии сохтмонӣ ва дилерҳои масолеҳи сохтмонӣ мизоҷони асосии мо ба монанди маводи обногузар ва маҳсулоти сӯзандоруҳо мебошанд. Ба зиёда аз 10000 муштарӣ дар ҷаҳон хидмат мерасонад ва ба зиёда аз 70 кишвари ҷаҳон содирот мекунад.
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