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Concrete is a durable material employed with construction of buildings as well as various other frameworks. This material is type of very strong and hard as well so it remain for long term, hence its best suitable to use in construction. However, concrete in many areas only crumble after a few years and can crack shortly. For something supporting the foundation of a building; this can have serious potential consequences. But, this is exactly where the Pritisk injekcijskega injektiranja from Yuru saves us!
Cement grouting under stress is the sole instance to render a stronger and sturdy foundation. This method includes packing concrete-water blend to the ground right into the structure for below. This slurry, when pumped down into the soil will find any voids that might be present and fill them up. Upon curing, it provides a solid base that serves the purpose of carrying the building weight safely. This is very important as a strong base keeps the building safe and stable.
The solution to this problem is concrete pressure grouting. This could be due to ground water related problems or settlements which change and cause changes in the soil, ultimately leading to harm. The list goes on and we also will avoid any future damages from occurring using pressure grouting. One way foundations are stabilized is simply by holding up the soil under them, which helps minimize pressure from above and in turn can help prevent foundation settling or sinking out of level. And we need to be checking their possible from the start with then after some time our check may short issue otherwise this minor problem will convert or major on that building so opt for stroj za tlačno fugiranje od Yuru.
Sinkhole: A hole formed when soil underneath is removed. As we can see in the image below, sinkholes are known to empty buildings within seconds and destroy many highways. Supplying a genuine threat to the safety of people and an accident. But good news is that concrete pressure grouting can save you from worse sinkholes. This is potential by grouting the soil with cement and water mix, original up all gaps forming a strengthened foundation piscina that can back mince from installation over it. This provides a safe or healthy environment for all so opt for Hidroizolacijsko tlačno fugiranje od Yuru.
What will cause old concrete to crack and collapse in the coming years It is especially problematic for older properties. Failing to properly care for the concrete can bring us big problems, and it may be part of what is thrown in our face a problem that arises down the line. Pressure grouting is necessary to make concrete stronger or more durable and pressure grout must be done even before the early strength of finishing this type. In fact, it is achieved by pumping a mixture of cement and water onto the concrete cracks that fill those voids giving place to one solid surface with Tlačno fugiranje za hidroizolacijo. The new cover they plan to apply will be very environmental friendly from now on and is likely to save the building.
Komunalni inženiring, podjetja za gradbeni inženiring in trgovci z gradbenimi materiali so glavni kupci, kot so naši vodoodporni materiali in izdelki za injekcijske mase. Izvaža v več kot 70 držav in nudi storitve več kot 10000 strankam po vsem svetu.
Podjetje ima certifikat lS09001 in CE, EPR, SGS ter SGS, EPR in CE. Poleg tega ima več kot 20 patentov, na primer za naše vodoodporne materiale, ki so zaščiteni z neodvisnimi pravicami intelektualne lastnine. Bilo je znano "visokotehnološko podjetje s sedežem v provinci Jiangsu".
Yuru je obrat podjetja, ki se razteza na 16000 kvadratnih metrih ter centri za raziskave in razvoj, ki merijo 10000 kvadratnih metrov. Yuru ima 5 serij izdelkov z več kot 40 modeli, ki izpolnjujejo vse potrebe strank v vseh terminih. Yuru je prejel več kot 20 patentov in sodeluje z 10 doktorji z dveh znanih univerz.
Razvijamo proizvodnjo vodotesnih in injekcijskih fugirnih materialov. Naš glavni proizvod trenutno obsega vse vrste vodoodpornih premazov, membrane, ki so vodotesne, injekcijske fugirne materiale, opremo za fugiranje in poliuretanske tesnilne mase.
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