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Polyurethane sealant is a special coating material that has been developed specifically with concrete in mind. Epoxy is also a highly resilient material; it can be used in floors, walls, roofs and other areas. Polyurethane sealant is designed to serve as a protective barrier against water, which it what makes suitable for preventing moisture intrusion that could lead to serious problems with the concrete building material. It creates a barrier, which in turn protects the concrete from water ingress that can cause cracks and wear.
Apart from being water resistant, polyurethane sealant also provide resistance again harmful sun UV rays. Sunlight is known to cause loss of color and fading overtime in concrete projects which might render them unappealing over time Polyurethane sealant is able to protect the concrete surface from these dangerous rays, ensuring that it will keep its original look and structure for a longer time.
Further to this, the polyurethane sealant also acts as a defensive line against chemicals that are proved corrosive agents particularly to concrete surface. It forms a protective layer against salt, acids or any other substance that tend to break them and corrode it. This protective layer prevents the chemical damage of concrete and makes it strong for a longer time.
The main benefits of polyurethane sealant lie in its high-performance concrete protection as well as improving the surface aesthetics. It also enhances the aesthetics of beautifully finished concrete as well as providing a surface that is easily cleaned and maintained. Is ideal for areas with heavy wear or dirt and debris buildup, as it can be cleaned more easily: The glossy finish also repels most stains.
The versatility and efficacy of polyurethane sealants make this an excellent way to protect or improve concrete surfaces. Protects Against Water, UV Rays & Chemicals - Since it offers an added layer of protection that seals away any water or liquids from penetrating into the concrete and can even block out harsh sunlight and chemicals a bit effectively than many other sealers do then this is usually your go to for most construction/building type projects. With a simple step-by-step guide to applying polyurethane sealant, everyone can apply this on their concrete surfaces and relish the lasting results that it comes with.
Biznes lS09001 va Idoralar, EPR, SGS, shuningdek, SGS, EPR va Idoralar tomonidan akkreditatsiya qilingan. Bundan tashqari, u 20 dan ortiq patentlarga ega, jumladan, mustaqil intellektual mulk huquqlari bilan himoyalangan suv o'tkazmaydigan materiallarimiz uchun. U "Jiangsu provintsiyasidagi yuqori texnologiyali korxona" sifatida tan olingan.
Bizning asosiy mijozlarimiz munitsipalitetlar, qurilish muhandislik kompaniyalari va qurilish materiallari sotuvchilari. 70 dan ortiq mamlakatlarga eksport qiling va butun dunyo bo'ylab 10000 mijozlarga xizmat ko'rsating.
Bizning kompaniyamiz suv o'tkazmaydigan materiallar va in'ektsion grout mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarishdir. Bizning asosiy mahsulotlarimiz barcha turdagi suv o'tkazmaydigan qoplamalar, suv o'tkazmaydigan membranalar, in'ektsion grouting materiallari, grouting uskunalari va poliuretan plomba moddalaridir.
Yuru - bu umumiy maydoni 16000 kvadrat metrni tashkil etadigan markaz va 10000 kvadrat metrni o'z ichiga olgan ilmiy-tadqiqot ob'ekti. Yuru mijozlar talablariga to'liq javob bera oladigan 40 dan ortiq modellarga ega bo'lgan beshta mahsulot qatorini taklif etadi. Yuru 20 dan ortiq patentga ega va ikkita taniqli universitetning 10 shifokori bilan hamkorlik qiladi.
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