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Not a soul does not need to willingly permit its properties and roads to start fissuring and pocked up. These issues can get worse if you wait too long, the cost and difficulty of repairing them will increase as well. This is where a Yuru PU grouting pump will help you. That is because at the end of this machine which produces quite a bit of force and especially power is actually meant for putting Polyurethane (PU) into cracks and spaces inside the concrete. It is the work that stops our buildings, bridges and roads decaying, all by рехтани акрилӣ.
Wait, How PU grouting pump operate? They examine the floor to determine how extensive concrete cracks or voids are. A Better Class of Shallow ~ What they were assessing for to tell how deep into the grout and damage penetrative, propping started by us gaining knowledge of what was there, we then ICP PU material via means of a grouting pump in these regions. As the PU material is injected into the voids and holes, it reacts with a hardening agent to interlock with the existing concrete. This step provides an important shield against more damage being done. The Yuru PU grouting pumps make it easy for workers to quickly fill in cracks and holes with repairs of project quality making it much more laborious without the pump.
As the age of the building, which probably would crack more problems. Did we also mention another reason why an effective and reliable tools like Yuru PU grouting pump is indispensable? It is an equipment which repairs old monuments cracks holes makes the old building durable strong. With some proper maintenance and repair works using the мошини сӯзишворӣ, the oldest buildings and roads can last for another few years. So that way we can protect and preserve our essential funcionamiento and could keep it for the future.
Construction operations are tough and a shaggy work but not anymore because Yuru PU grouting pump is the one which assist during these tasks. More rapidly — this strong grouting pump is made for the hardest jobs The grouting pump helps employees to push material right where it is supposed to go, even if that place of application takes place under ground level. A major advantage of using a мошини фишорбаландӣ in your construction project is that professional can relax knowing that they will be able to perform it as all they are taking care of your concrete repairs without any concern about it not getting done.
Reparation is a time-sensitive matter and overtime the reparations construction cost could quickly escalate. Well, hence the PU grouting pump was built for ease and speed. Can Be Repaired QuicklyIf you have a problem with a concrete, repair that can be fixed right there at the job site and they are not lingered on like other types of materials. Design layout is basic and clear to users and easy to workers, no problem a confusion in handling the мошини сӯзишвории пу. That means they have less to stress about in terms of repairs and that frees them up for other projects they could even be working on.
Мо маҳсулоти обногузар ва маводи сӯзишвории сӯзандору истеҳсол мекунем. Маҳсулоти асосии мо ҳама намуди қабатҳои обногузар мембранаҳои обногузар, маводи сӯзишворӣ, таҷҳизоти сӯзишворӣ ва пломбаҳои полиуретанӣ мебошанд.
Мизоҷи асосии мо муниципалитетҳо, ширкатҳои муҳандисии сохтмон ва дилерҳои масолеҳи сохтмонӣ мебошанд. Ба зиёда аз 70 кишвари ҷаҳон содирот мекунад ва ба 10000 муштарӣ аз саросари ҷаҳон хидмат мерасонад.
Юру корхонае месозад, ки 16000 метри мураббаъ ва марказҳои R ва D 10000 метри мураббаъро фаро мегирад. Юру дорои 5 силсилаи маҳсулот, аз ҷумла зиёда аз 40 модел мебошад, ки ба тамоми талаботи муштариёни худ ҷавобгӯ мебошанд. Юру дорои беш аз 20 патент буд ва бо 10 табиб дар ду донишгоҳи машҳур кор кардааст.
Бизнеси мо аз ҷониби lS09001, инчунин CE, EPR, SGS ва EPR ва инчунин дигар сертификатсия шудааст. Илова бар ин, он зиёда аз 20 патент дорад. Ба онҳо маҳсулоти обногузари мо дохил мешаванд, ки тавассути ҳуқуқи моликияти зеҳнии мустақил таъмин карда мешаванд. Он ҳамчун "корхонаи баландтехнологӣ дар музофоти Цзянсу" эътироф карда шуд.
Copyright © Nantong Yuru Engineering Materials Co., Ltd. Ҳама ҳуқуқҳо ҳифз шудаанд