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Would you like this at home, or in your school tiles? Wouldnt you want them to always appear neat and shiny like brand new? If the answer to this question is yes, you should absolutely consider using custom epoxy grout! This unique glue is designed to fill the gaps in between your tiles. This way it makes your tiles stronger and they will last longer without getting damaged.
The only way to keep your tiles looking clean and strong is by going for custom epoxy grout. Comprised of a tough, durable construction that is made from unique components This makes for an amazing looking tile that will look just as great in 50 years, even after a lifetime of walking on your tiles. Custom epoxy grout is resistant to cracking, chipping and staining eliminating the phase of re-grouting (let's be real who has time for that)
A custom epoxy grout is highly ideal for high trafficked or rush areas such as hallways, kitchens and bathrooms. These are the places where a number of people pass each day. This will ensure a secure hold and prevent the grout from becoming discolored and easy to dirty as it is with custom epoxy-based substance perfect for these high-traffic areas. With this unique grout, you never have to worry about dirty or dull tile flooring after a lot of foot traffic. With the grout, you will never see those unappealing stains and dirt; it remains looking clean.
Custom epoxy grout prevents dirty and stains on your tile surfaces. At times, even when your tiles are cleaned regularly, they still will look outdated and soiled. However, using custom epoxy grout will eliminate the ability of those stains and dirt to adhere in tiles. Its hard surface allows it to repel moisture and prevent staining, which ensures that your tiles stay as pristine as the day they were laid even with heavy use. You can relish the view of your fancy tiles without always fretting over how to clean them.
One other great benefit of using custom epoxy grout is that it tends to be very durable and long lasting. Especially in tiles used in institutions like schools, hospitals and public buildings. If you want your tiles to look great for years to come, choose custom epoxy grout that is unmatched in strength and durability. You can feel safe in the knowledge that your tiles will remain safeguarded for years to come and also wow everyone who sees them.
Custom epoxy grout is a great way to simplify cleaning your tiles. The addition of this unique grout can help your tiles seem more tidy and brighter than you could conjure up with other materials. Which means much less cleansing and in addition which means you is not going to need to exchange them down the road. You already know by choosing custom-made epoxy grout you are going to save yourself time and money keeping those tiles looking super for a long, long while.
Мизоҷони асосии мо муниципалитетҳо, ширкати муҳандисии сохтмонӣ ва дилерҳои масолеҳи сохтмонӣ мебошанд. Ба зиёда аз 10000 муштариён дар саросари ҷаҳон хидмат пешниҳод кунед ва ба зиёда аз 70 кишвар содирот кунед.
Истеҳсоли маводи обногузар ва маводи сӯзишворӣ ширкати мост. Маҳсулоти асосии мо аз ҳама намуди рӯйпӯшҳои обногузар, мембранаҳои обногузар, маводи сӯзишвории сӯзандору, мошинҳои сӯзишворӣ ва пломбаҳои полиуретан иборатанд.
Ширкат аз ҷониби ISO 9001, CE, EPR, SGS ва ғайра аккредитатсия шудааст. Он инчунин зиёда аз 20 патент дорад. Ин маводҳои обногузарро дар бар мегирад, ки бо ҳуқуқи моликияти зеҳнии мустақил таъмин карда шудаанд. Он ҳамчун "корхонаи баландтехнологӣ дар музофоти Ҷянсу" гурӯҳбандӣ карда шуд.
Юру як корхонаи ширкатест, ки 16000 метри мураббаъ ва инчунин як марказҳои R ва D, ки 10000 метри мураббаъро дар бар мегирад. Юру дорои 5 силсилаи маҳсулот бо зиёда аз 40 модел мебошад, ки ҳама ниёзҳои муштариёнро дар ҳама мавридҳо қонеъ мекунанд. Юру беш аз 20 патент гирифтааст ва бо 10 доктори ду донишгоҳи маъруф ҳамкорӣ мекунад.
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