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These waterproofing materials operate as an external membrane for your walls. Imagine it as a coat of armor on the outside walls to protect against water from getting in. Yuru Hidroizolacija za stene membrane helps to protect your home from water damage.
Water might sound pretty innocuous, but for your home it can be the most damaging of all water-contained. Water can make the walls to rot and become structurally weak. And this will grow some problems which are not very easy to cure. Mold grows in water, and that is very unhealthy for you. It can grow out of control and make people sick and difficult to get rid of.
During a rain storm, the water impacts on top of this membrane and will flow away from your wall instead of soaking in. Pretty impressive and safe, even in really heavy storms, your home is kept dry. Yuru Hidroizolacija zunanjih sten membrane prevents your walls from becoming damp which is a source of many potential troubles.
Water can do the outside of your building just as it does to home. This is why maintaining a good Yuru Vodotesna membrana at all of those elements are critical. Protecting your building from all forms of weather such as rain, snow, wind and sun is what this membrane does best.
Have you been subjected to expensive repairs within your home or building? Then we may be looking at huge bills to repair the damage. Unplanned costs are never a good thing, especially with things breaking that should not break in the first place. With TPO vodotesna membrana, less maintenance, MORE SAVINGS!
A waterproof membrane applied by experts is one way to prevent damage and save money. This PVC vodotesna membrana will be properly and professionally installed in your system, which means that it is done accurately. This can keep water from infiltrating your walls, a great way to prevent thousands of dollars in unintended consequences.
Komunalna inženiringa, podjetja za gradbeni inženiring in trgovci z gradbenimi materiali so naše odlične stranke, ki kupujejo naše vodoodporne materiale in izdelke za injekcijsko maso. Ponujamo storitve več kot 10000 strankam po vsem svetu in izvažamo v več kot 70 držav.
Naše podjetje se ukvarja s proizvodnjo vodoodpornih materialov in izdelkov za injekcijsko maso. Naši glavni proizvodi so vse vrste vodoodpornih premazov vodoodpornih membran, injekcijskih fugirnih materialov, opreme za fugiranje in poliuretanske tesnilne mase.
Yuru ustvarja podjetje, ki pokriva 16000 kvadratnih metrov ter centre za raziskave in razvoj na 10000 kvadratnih metrov. Yuru ima pet linij izdelkov, ki vključujejo več kot 40 modelov. Ti izdelki so ustvarjeni za potrebe vseh strank. Yuru je prejel več kot 20 patentov in sodeluje z 10 zdravniki z dveh priznanih univerz.
Podjetje je bilo akreditirano s strani lS09001 in CE, EPR, SGS ter SGS, EPR in CE. Poleg tega ima več kot 20 patentov, vključno z našimi vodoodpornimi materiali, ki so zaščiteni s pravicami intelektualne lastnine v neodvisni lasti. Prepoznali so ga kot "visokotehnološko podjetje v provinci Jiangsu".
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