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EPDM is short for ethylene propylene diene terpolymer which has now a days become one of the loyal choices to solve waterproofing issues in variety of construction projects. EPDM has become famous for its durability, versatility and sustainability making it ideal choice when developing building structures that specifically need to withstand harsh weather conditions. The usefulness of EPDM in helping to make buildings sustainable is becoming more and more significant as the importance of sustainability reach new levels within construction, proving that it provides a long-term solution for maintaining structural integrity while improving efficiency and customer satisfaction. We will also take a look at some of the other benefits that EPDM waterproofing systems bring to our lives, in terms of a more green future.
These properties are also at the heart of EPDM's success; this versatile material is extremely resistant to various weather phenomena, UV radiation and high temperature fluctuations. EPDM is flexible and durable even in harsh conditions, meaning less maintenance/ replacement usually with accompanying cost savings compared to traditional materials. This product is very flexible so it moves with the building structure without breaking down and risking leaks, particularly in domed forms for example.
While sustainability used to be just another term, today it is more of a necessity and EPDM waterproofing systems certainly deliver on every ozone hole in the atmosphere. EPDMWith a base made of oil and natural gas, raw material recycling content for EPDM typically surpasses 25 percent. When their service life has ended, EPDM membrane can be 100% recycled therefore reducing landfill waste and promoting a Cradle to Cradle design philosophy. EPDM utilizes resources over a shorter period Making less of an impact on the life cycle assessment, which makes EPDM last much longer than its reported lifespan In other words, selecting an EPDM roofing membrane is more than simply about the product - it's a decision to a green building philosophy that combines with creating future-proofed roof envelope.
Although, one of EPDM's best descriptor is that its versatile across almost a limitless range of applications. From flat roofs to foundations, ponds and water features the EPDM membranes can also be attached with great ease thanks to its customisation & DIY mantra. They can also be pre-fabricated into large sheets, reducing the number of seams and thus potential leak points as well as installation time. They are also compatible with different adhesives and fastening systems thus can be installed in virtually any substrate including concrete, metal or wood. Whether you are building a new construction or doing restoration work, the elasticity of EPDM offers superior resilient protection in adhering to obstacles like kerbs and gutters.
Construction efficiency goes beyond pace, as the proper utilization of resources and cost advantages fall within it. More prepping is necessary than if a qualified team were installing EPDM waterproofing systems, so the time required in place and labour saves funds. In addition, the decrease in maintenance and repair requirements during membrane lifetime lead to large cost savings over time. EPDM protects the buildings from water intrusion and failure, which is not only a way in saving money but also offers peace to those financially involved with implementation of projects.
Ingineria municipală, întreprinderile de inginerie de construcții și dealerii de materiale de construcții sunt clienții principali care achiziționează materialele și produsele noastre impermeabile pentru chitul de injecție. Furnizați servicii pentru peste 10000 de clienți din întreaga lume și exportă în peste 70 de țări.
Compania noastra produce materiale impermeabile si materiale de injectare. Produsele pe care le oferim în prezent includ acoperiri și membrane impermeabile, mașini de chituire și etanșanți pentru poliuretan, produse pentru chituire și chituire prin injecție.
Yuru este o unitate care acoperă 16000 mp și un centru de cercetare și dezvoltare care acoperă 10000 mp. Yuru oferă 5 linii de produse, inclusiv peste 40 de modele. Sunt făcute să îndeplinească cerințele fiecărui client. Yuru a primit peste 20 de brevete și colaborează cu 10 medici de la două universități renumite.
Companie acreditată prin ISO 9001, CE, EPR, SGS, printre altele. De asemenea, are peste 20 de brevete. Aceasta include materialele noastre impermeabile care sunt garantate prin drepturi de proprietate intelectuală deținute în mod independent. A fost clasificată drept „întreprindere de înaltă tehnologie în provincia Jiangsu”.
Copyright © Nantong Yuru Engineering Materials Co., Ltd. Toate drepturile rezervate