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Concerned about water harming your concrete? Does the thought of leaks damaging your structures and driveways keep you up at night? Don’t worry anymore! The best solution to this problem is a great product you can use to keep your concrete safe.
Concrete Waterproofing Membrane is here to help. This specially-formulated layer is meant to prevent water from harming your concrete surfaces. So, if you wish to stay away from leaks (due to seep in of water) and expensive repairs, the time for availing this great technology is now. The Yuru Injeksjonsfuging betong sprekker is great for anyone who wants to safe-guard their home.
It is not just an ordinary material, and it gives strength to your concrete along with aiding in the longevity of its lifespan. Imagine it as a raincoat for your concrete, sheltering against the wet conditions. This Yuru membrane will help your concrete last longer and preserve its polished effect — keeping you from having to replace or repair for many years, which can mean savings in the long term. It’s a win-win situation.
Just think: Never have to worry about water damage on your properties again. Well, this way the concrete waterproofing membrane can keep you free from all your leaky house problems. This Epoxy fugemasse for betong creates a seal on your concrete, blocking water and saving what you own. This ensures that your investment stays safe and secure.
One good thing about the concrete waterproofing membrane is that it can be easily applied. It rolls directly on the concrete for a durable long lasting bond. This way, it can provide the highest level of protection for your concrete structures by eliminating water ingress. It is an easy fix that can go a long way in terms of how well your concrete holds up over time.
Prevent from soaking by building up a concrete water proof. You need to protect your investments whether it be a building, driveway or patio. By choosing this Yuru Epoksy injeksjonsfuge i betong, you make the intelligent choice for optimal protection and security.
Produksjon av vanntette materialer og injeksjonsfugematerialer er vårt selskap. Våre primære produkter inkluderer alle typer vanntett belegg, vanntette membraner, injeksjonsfugematerialer, fugemaskiner og polyuretanforseglinger.
Dette selskapet er sertifisert av blant annet lS09001 og CE, EPR, SGS. I tillegg har den mer enn 20 patenter som for våre vanntette materialer som er beskyttet under de uavhengige immaterielle rettighetene. Det ble kategorisert som en "høyteknologisk bedrift i provinsen Jiangsu-provinsen".
Yuru er et selskap som lager et senter som spenner over 16000 kvadratmeter s samt R- og D-senter som dekker 10000 kvadratmeter. Yuru har fem produktserier, inkludert over 40 modeller som er i stand til å møte kundenes behov på alle måter. Yuru har blitt belønnet med mer enn 20 patenter og samarbeider med 10 leger fra to anerkjente universiteter.
Vår primære oppdragsgiver er kommuner, byggingeniørbedrifter og byggevareforhandlere. Eksporterer til mer enn 70 land og leverer tjenester til 10000 kunder fra hele verden.
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