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Bituminous waterproofing membrane industry has been an integral part of the construction sector. They are of great help in the prevention of water damages to the buildings as well. These membranes, which are based on bitumen - a thick and water-impermeable material made from oil. These forks have undergone some improvements over the years, allowing them to be more reliable and durable than before. Therefore, all over the globe, in architecture and engineering even builders find a great preference to use them as part of these projects.
The key feature of a successful waterproofing system is its durability and Bituminous membranes tops the chart in this. Modern bituminous membranes contain added polymers and fabrics such as polyester or fiberglass to enhance puncture resistance and significantly improve longevity. They hold up against sun, weather and chemicals which enables them to keep that structure dry as well are safe for many years. Some of the most interesting is they can survive freeze-thaw as one their best species for extreme winters. With regular maintenance and inspections built in, the life if these items is even further extended making them a great long term solution.
This is huge in the construction industry, because bituminous membranes are well known to be durable and easy-to-apply which leads them an actual popular choice. The self-adhesive properties in combination with the hot melt allows tremendous flexibility in projects due to unlimited substrate options and compatibility. Thanks to good adhesion properties it attaches well ot materials such as concrete, metal or existing bituminous layers. It means that both repairs and retrofit solutions are simple to carry out using this solution. It also allows use of the three widespread installation ways: hot APP (torch-on), cold APB ), pouring on or self-adnesdaylhesion) so that it is expedited, and flexible in application relieving building site procedures.
Bituminous waterproofing systems, also known as BURs have environmental characteristics that are generally overlooked but they provide big sustainability advantages in the era of bigger and more important achievements. Although these membranes come from an unrenewable source, attempts have been made to increase their bio-compatibility. With patented technologies allowing recycled materials to be reintegrated into the manufacturing process, without sacrificing performance. In addition, progress in the formulation area has led to lower volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions during application with a simultaneous positive effect on indoor air quality and less environmental foot print. Furthermore, their long life also means that they need to be replaced less often which cuts down on waste and the resources required for replacement over time.
The sustainable solution for infrastructure projects When it comes to sustainability and long-term function, bituminous membranes are the answer. These are often used in bridges, tunnels, dams or reservoirs to protect against water damage and acid corrosion more generally the development of corresponding structural failure. Their ability to take building deflection, resist puncture and carry had caused pressure over large areas makes them a crucial part of protecting key structures from falling apart into the sea. They help prevent water intrusion, which can lead to costly repairs and compromise the safety - and longevity-of our buildings.
Vår virksomhet er sertifisert av lS09001, CE, EPR, SGS samt SGS, EPR og CE. Den har også mer enn 20 patenter de for våre vanntette materialer som er beskyttet av de uavhengige immaterielle rettighetene. Det var en anerkjent "høyteknologisk bedrift i provinsen Jiangsu-provinsen".
Vi tilbyr produksjon av vanntette materialer og produkter for injeksjonsfuging. Produktene vi tilbyr inkluderer for tiden vanntette belegg og membraner fugemaskiner og fugemasser laget av polyuretan, samt polyuretanmaterialer og injeksjonsfuger.
Kommunalingeniører, bygningsingeniørfirmaer og byggevareforhandlere er våre hovedkunder som våre vanntette materialer og produkter for injeksjonsfuger. Tilbyr tjenester til mer enn 10000 70 kunder i verden og eksporterer til mer enn XNUMX land.
Yuru har laget et anlegg som spenner over 16000 kvm samt et FoU-senter som er på 10000 kvadratmeter. Yuru gir fem produktlinjer, inkludert over 40 modeller. Disse produktene er laget for å møte behovene til hver kunde. Yuru har blitt tildelt mer enn 20 patenter og har jobbet med 10 leger fra 2 kjente universiteter.
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