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პოლიურეთანი ტრადიციული ჰიდროსაიზოლაციო მასალების წინააღმდეგ: რა განასხვავებს მას?

2024-12-12 10:29:08
პოლიურეთანი ტრადიციული ჰიდროსაიზოლაციო მასალების წინააღმდეგ: რა განასხვავებს მას?

რა არის პოლიურეთანი?

We were talking about polyurethane, a type of plastic, that can be designed to become waterproof coats. This is made by combining two distinct molecules. When mixed, these chemicals react with each other and this reaction causes the material to expand and harden. This process is called “polymerization,” and it is the reason polyurethane is extremely durable and durable. The great thing with polyurethane is that it is flexible too. It can also bend and move without breaking, which is especially useful in waterproofing. It is great for many surfaces პოლიურეთანის წყალგაუმტარი საფარი as it can adapt to different shapes

რამდენ ხანს გრძელდება?

Polyurethane lasts far longer than conventional waterproofing products, such as tar and asphalt. Those materials აკრილის ჰიდროსაიზოლაციო საღებავი can wear out and degrade over time, so they require replacement. Whilst polyurethane can last decades, often 25 years or more, before needing to be replaced. That long life translates to a lot of savings for homeowners and builders. That makes it more პოლიურეთანის ჰიდროსაიზოლაციო საფარი cost-effective because you don’t have to replace it as often.