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A special type of tape, Butyl Rubber Flashing Tape is an invaluable tool when it comes to protecting your home from water damage. Now the problem with water is that it can also be a very bad thing when in or around of your home... things like leaks, mold and structural damage come to mind. Enter Butyl Rubber Flashing Tape.
This particular tape is made from butyl rubber which offers excellent sealing mentality. Butyl Rubber Flashing Tape creates that watertight barrier in places like roofs, windows or doors where water has a chance to get inside. In short, you do not have to worry about any leaks that can lead to water damages anymore!
The flexibility of Butyl Rubber Flashing Tape makes it one of its many redeeming feature. It can be used on a variety of applications and substrates such as metal, wood, concrete boad & plastics. Regardless of whether you need to repair cracks or holes in your roof, seal the openings around windows and doors, waterproof a cellar; this tape is ideal.
For your new home or extension, you can really install Butyl Rubber Flashing Tape in the best way for commercial constructions. It keeps your building watertight and improves energy efficiency. The tape itself has a high thermal resistance, which reduces heat loss or gain through insulated portions of your home.
However, choosing Butyl Rubber Flashing Tape provides long-term salient cost savings. This material can last a lifetime with very little maintenance, reducing the need for replacement. The tape is an investment you can love - will last years.
Butyl Rubber Flashing Tape is a little bit more of an expensive way to go about sealing and flashing. This tape does not harden and crack like other materials that can deteriorate under the elements, UV rays. Its resistance to movement due to substrate expansion plus its inherent adhesion while still maintaining seal makes it a time tested option for use on roofs, gutters and HVAC systems.
In summary, Butyl Rubber Flashing Tape is a simple solution to protect your home from excess water and improve its energy efficiency. Not only is it extremely versatile and durable, but the material can also last for quite a long time in numerous applications. If you have never used it before, why not try out Butyl Rubber Flashing Tape and see how good a product this is.
Le società di ingegneria edile e i rivenditori di materiali da costruzione sono i principali clienti che apprezzano i nostri materiali impermeabili e i prodotti per malta da iniezione. Esporta in più di 70 paesi e offre servizi a oltre 10000 clienti da tutto il mondo.
Yuru è uno stabilimento aziendale che si estende su 16000 mq, nonché centri di ricerca e sviluppo di 10000 mq. Yuru ha 5 serie di prodotti con più di 40 modelli che soddisfano tutte le esigenze dei clienti in tutti i termini. Yuru ha ottenuto più di 20 brevetti e collabora con 10 medici di due rinomate università.
Abbiamo realizzato materiali per stuccatura impermeabile e ad iniezione. Il nostro prodotto principale comprende attualmente tutti i tipi di rivestimenti impermeabili, membrane impermeabili, stuccatrici e sigillanti poliuretanici.
L'azienda è certificata lS09001 e CE, EPR, SGS nonché SGS, EPR e CE. Inoltre, dispone di più di 20 brevetti, ad esempio per i nostri materiali impermeabili, protetti da diritti di proprietà intellettuale indipendenti. Era una nota "impresa high-tech situata nella provincia di Jiangsu".
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