packers for injection grouting

Injection grouting is a specific process designed to make buildings and bridges stronger. It helps in preventing the structures from wear and tear. The packers are special tools that we use for injection grouting. Balloons… Packers, kinda sorta the same thing. These are placed in holes that the concrete is drilled into. The packers expand when inflated and lock the hole closed. It seals to create a cavity through which we pump grout. Grout is a composite for filling seams between tiles in the cavity where it strengthens its wither. Good packing solutions are very crucial as it saves time and money. They are also used to make the injection grouting process better and efficient.

Seamless packing technique for high-pressure injections

High pressures for grout injection are a necessity in certain scenarios. But there a little problem with this since at such high pressure the packers will not work appropriately in some cases. We use something called seamless packing techniques to resolve this issue. These perishable techniques keep the packers from coming up short and causing a slow breakdown. Our special packers were designed to be a high pressure rating and hence they are able perform at their best.

Why choose Yuru packers for injection grouting?

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